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False fire alarms on campus?

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Safety Technology International (Europe) Ltd; STI (Europe), understands that every false alarm is costly, disruptive and detrimental to safety. It may also affect customer service, productivity or the general routine of any type of organisation. The Euro Stopper is an active deterrent, which can help to dramatically reduce or even eliminate product misuse, saving time and money. The clear, robust polycarbonate cover retrofits over a range of alarm devices without hindering legitimate operation. It is extremely tough and can withstand the severest of knocks. The Euro Stopper can also be fitted with an integral sounder, which emits a piercing 96dB when the cover is lifted drawing immediate attention to the area. With a simple, 4 screw retrofit, wire-free installation, the Euro Stopper® fits virtually all manual call points. Now supplied in kit form, supplied with polycarbonate housing, red and green coloured shell and a multi-lingual label sheet with the text 'IN CASE OF FIRE, LIFT COVER BREAK GLASS' AND 'IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, LIFT COVER BREAK GLASS TO OPEN DOOR' in 13 European languages. Custom labelling is available if required. Available for surface and flush mount applications. The Euro Stopper also features the new GLOW GUIDE - a unique material that is embedded in the perimeter of the frame and illuminates in the dark creating a radiant glow around the manual call point making it easier to locate in dark areas.

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10 April, 2015